
Troop meeting

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Troop meeting

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Stags virtual patrol meeting

Hi Stags,This will be our first patrol meeting since adding Brody and Dylan to our patrol. This will be a sort of welcome to the patrol kind of thing, and […]

ASM meeting

Monthly planning/coordination meeting for the Scoutmaster and ASMs; all Committee Members and other adults are welcome as well.  Location rotates each month.

ASM meeting

Monthly planning/coordination meeting for the Scoutmaster and ASMs; all Committee Members and other adults are welcome as well.  Location rotates each month.

ASM meeting

Monthly planning/coordination meeting for the Scoutmaster and ASMs; all Committee Members and other adults are welcome as well.  Location rotates each month.

ASM meeting

Monthly planning/coordination meeting for the Scoutmaster and ASMs; all Committee Members and other adults are welcome as well.  Location rotates each month.

Moviemaking MB


This will be the first of two sessions for the Moviemaking Merit Badge.  In this first class we will learn a little bit about the history of movie making and […]

Troop meeting

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Troop meeting

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Troop meeting

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Troop meeting

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Troop meeting

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Troop meeting

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Troop meeting

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Troop meeting

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Troop meeting

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Moviemaking MB


Session 2 of the Moviemaking Merit Badge.In this session we will be talking about careers opportunities in moviemaking.  You'd be surprised at how many people are involved in the production […]

Wilderness Survival Campout

1671 Courthouse rd Stafford, VA, United States

A camp out for the Wilderness Survival Merit Badge specifically to complete requirement #8 - Improvise a natural shelter. For the purpose of this demonstration, use techniques that have little […]

Philmont 2021 Hike (Hazel River & Sam’s Ridge Loop)

Hi Philmont 2021 Crew,I am reaching out to schedule our first training hike for next Sunday, 8/30. Michelle has already begun to put together a monthly training plan, but she is […]

Virtual PLC huddle


Weekly virtual PLC huddles for the time-being.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/5265677173?pwd=OTFmQnJpTmJHK0hUcGJ2U0w0ampaZz09Meeting ID: 526 567 7173Passcode: 1BktwG

Committee Meeting

All parents, adult leaders and merit badge counselors are welcome to come to the monthly Committee Meeting.Monthly Troop 58 Committee MeetingCommittee meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each […]

Committee Meeting

All parents, adult leaders and merit badge counselors are welcome to come to the monthly Committee Meeting.Monthly Troop 58 Committee MeetingCommittee meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each […]