Hi Philmont 2021 Crew!For our 2nd scheduled training hike, we will be hiking Loudoun Heights to Split Rock. (https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/west-virginia/loudoun-heights-trail-to-split-rock)We will meet at Trailside Middle School at 7:00am and head to the trail at 7:15am. It will take about 45 minutes to reach the trailhead and the hike will be a moderate 6 mile out and […]
The Eagles Patrol will be having an online meeting via Zoom. During the meeting, we will be able to discuss suggestions and sign-offs. Please remember to RSVP if you plan on attending.(code will be posted here 10 minutes before)
This Sunday at noon, the Eagles Patrol will have a patrol outing at SweetFrog. You don't really need much, just remember to bring a mask and have someone to drive you back and forth, whether it be your parents or another scouts'. Don't forget to RSVP as well.
Spartans Patrol HikeWe will meet at the parking lot to begin the hike at 1:00. The hike should take about an hour and a half. I need two adults to attend the hike. Adults, please let me know if you are coming so I can ensure we have enough adults
Monthly Troop 58 Committee MeetingThis will be an in-person meeting. Sorry for the change again...I'm trying to follow what the PLC is doing and they changed their minds about meeting virtually vs. in person.Main topics of conversation will be Recharter (dues), Finances, Recruiting, Advancement, and term limits for adult leadership. Please let me know if […]
We will be having a virtual troop meeting every off-week of the in-person meetings. This will give the scouts who aren't attending the in-person meetings a chance to still be active in the troop and know what is going on. The zoom link will be posted shortly before the meetingZoom link: TBD
Hold the Date. Experimental Virtual IOLS. Our Mountain West Service Area has been given permission to hold a testbed virtual IOLS over the weekend of Oct 10-12. Stay tuned. More info coming.
We will be planting trees at the George Marshall Madona Manor. This inclues moving and planting the trees. As well as spreading mulch. Those participating should wear clothes that can get dirty. The project will last approximately six hours. (I am not sure of the exact time it will take so likely we will […]
Please join us for Owen Hall's Eagle Court of Honor ceremony on Sunday, 10/11 at 1PM. The ceremony will take place outdoors at Pavilion 2 of Claude Moore Park (not the Claude Moore Recreation Center), where Owen did his Eagle Project. Please leave time to park in the gravel parking lot and walk approx. 100 […]
Philmont Crew,Philmont trip-planning has officially begun! With less than 11 months to go, we will start meeting on a monthly basis to discuss trip logistics, preparation, and training. Please arrive 5 minutes early, so that we start promptly at 7:15pm. Also, these meetings are for both crew members and parents. Please make sure to RSVP, […]
Monthly planning/coordination meeting for the Scoutmaster and ASMs; all Committee Members and other adults are welcome as well. Agenda at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VvRnpQ_zixKdrzdCTRZDbXzPqqXplmmnUaYjZbH4I30/edit?usp=sharingZoom = https://carfax.zoom.us/j/91272959238?pwd=K0JUQjRsRWRjdG45YUtsVWpna1ZLQT09
The Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-Internet are the largest Scouting events in the world with more than 1.5 million Scouts from more than 160 countries annually participating. If you’ve never experienced the digital or amateur radio events before, this might be the perfect time to attend, especially with many of us Scouting at home.These events will be […]
Biking Campers, About the Bike Hike, we're going to be starting at the Trailside Middle School, Saturday, 8:00am, and return around Sunday 11am. A text or email will be sent with the return ETA Sunday morning. We're going to bike 15 miles on the W&OD Trail to Lake Fairfax campsite. Will take around 2-3 hours to get there. […]
We will be having a virtual troop meeting every off-week of the in-person meetings. This will give the scouts who aren't attending the in-person meetings a chance to still be active in the troop and know what is going on. The zoom link will be posted shortly before the meetingZoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86979846302?pwd=VW1LK3g0aEVhdTdEMndzT1ByWjdJQT09
Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts; Zoom LINK for those who cannot attend in person - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83162546807?pwd=YW5YWHp1MEFwdml3UDNGN3lQOXpaQT09
For our patrol outing we will be ice skating at a place called ion international training center. If you are under 15 it will cost 1 dollar because the troop covers 10. If you are 16 plus it will cost 3 dollars.
The Eagles Patrol is going on a patrol outing at the Ashburn Topgolf facility. Everything is covered, just remember to bring a mask and RSVP. You don't have to be especially good at golfing to come, we're all just here to have fun. (sorry everyone for the late invitation, for whatever reason when I first […]