Scouts, It's a great time to garden! I'm attaching the merit badge worksheet. Please review 1A&B prior to the meeting.Gardening.pdf Parents, From a YPT perspective, we need at least 1 parent to dial/zoom into our meeting. The link and/or dial in info is below.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 867 2435 4490Password: 564330One tap mobile+19292056099,,86724354490#,,1#,564330# US (New York)+13017158592,,86724354490#,,1#,564330# […]
Join BSA for a day of adventure! From friendly competitions to campfire singalongs, this virtual event will bring the best parts of Scouting to life with activities all can enjoy from their living room or backyard. This event is open to all families, so invite your friends, neighbors, and colleagues to join the fun!See for more […]
Hey Spartans,Were going to have a patrol meeting on Zoom, starting at 11:30 and ending around 12 or 12:15 on Saturday. Lee Moore
Music MB class kick-off! Before our first class, please review the requirements for the merit badge ( and come prepared to talk about your passion for music!PARENTS - I need one of you to attend the class as well so we can comply with YPT. Please let me know if you can spare the time!Class will […]
Topic: OA Meeting - NOAC Update and GamesTime: May 5, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting ID: 738 6044 3926
You bring the S'mores, NCAC will bring the songs, skits, and spirit! Join everyone for a council-wide virtual campfire and kick off the camping season in Scouting style!
All parents, adult leaders and merit badge counselors are welcome to come to the monthly Committee Meeting.Monthly Troop 58 Committee MeetingCommittee meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at the same time as the PLC Meeting.An agenda will be available the day before the meeting.If you would like to be a Committee […]
All parents, adult leaders and merit badge counselors are welcome to come to the monthly Committee Meeting.Monthly Troop 58 Committee MeetingCommittee meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at the same time as the PLC Meeting.An agenda will be available the day before the meeting.If you would like to be a Committee […]
All parents, adult leaders and merit badge counselors are welcome to come to the monthly Committee Meeting.Monthly Troop 58 Committee MeetingCommittee meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at the same time as the PLC Meeting.An agenda will be available the day before the meeting.If you would like to be a Committee […]
All parents, adult leaders and merit badge counselors are welcome to come to the monthly Committee Meeting.Monthly Troop 58 Committee MeetingCommittee meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at the same time as the PLC Meeting.An agenda will be available the day before the meeting.If you would like to be a Committee […]
Monthly Troop 58 Committee MeetingAgenda is attached and the zoom details are below:Topic: BSA Troop58's Committee MeetingJoin Zoom Meeting ID: 821 5048 2196Password: 216979------------Roles of the troop committee:supports the Scoutmaster in delivering a quality troop program. Members ensure quality adult leadership is recruited and trained. handles troop administration and is responsible for finances, adequate funding, and […]
Scouts, Great first class and completion of requirements 1A & B. PLEASE remember your homework:1. Start on requirement #2 - Focus on the where to garden, how (pots, raised beds or "in ground" & what (that you or your family will eat!)2. When buying seeds buy enough to complete requirement #4 which we will focus […]
Dog Care MB Session 3. Please check your google classroom for updates, homework assignments, and any additional info.Here is the link to google classroom make sure your homework from last week is complete. You should have completed your video or picture labeling 10 different parts of the dog.BSA Troop58 is inviting you to a […]
We will have an Instructional Rank Class on the Camping and Outdoor Ethics requirements using Zoom. The class will be taught by Josiah Lamb, but there will be other PLC members to help out.The Zoom link will be posted sometime before the class begins. All scouts who have not reached the rank of First Class […]
RoboLoCo, a FIRST Robotics Competition team based in Leesburg, is holding an event in which Boy and Girl Scout troops from all over Loudoun County come to the Academies of Loudoun to learn about and complete various STEM related merit badges. This event will include presentations, robotics demonstrations, and the building and coding of small robots, […]
RoboLoCo, a FIRST Robotics Competition team based in Leesburg, is holding an event in which Boy and Girl Scout troops from all over Loudoun County come to the Academies of Loudoun to learn about and complete various STEM related merit badges. This event will include presentations, robotics demonstrations, and the building and coding of small robots, […]
GGUZ is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Topic: GGUZ's Zoom MeetingTime: May 9, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting ID: 752 1286 5779Password: 7AeJc1
Music merit badge class #2! Please come prepared to play/sing for requirement 1, talk me through 2 of the requirement 3 options, and 1 of the requirement 4 options.PARENTS - I need one of you to attend the class as well so we can comply with YPT. Please let me know if you can spare […]
Hello Scorpions,Due to several scheduling conflicts and technical errors, I will be moving all further meeting to Tuesdays 7-8pm. This is the time that we usually would have troop meetings if the current situation were not happening. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding meeting times. Regards,Gabriel GuzmanTroop 58 GuideGGUZ is […]
Hello Scorpions,Due to several scheduling conflicts and technical errors, I will be moving all further meeting to Tuesdays 7-8pm. This is the time that we usually would have troop meetings if the current situation were not happening. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding meeting times. Regards,Gabriel GuzmanTroop 58 GuideGGUZ is […]
Northern Tier meeting for parents and crew members. We will start promptly at 7:15, so please arrive 5 minutes early, so as not to miss any important information.
Hello Goose Creek! Wednesday (5/13) night at 7:30 PM is the May edition of the Goose Creek District (GCD) Roundtable. Of course we will be sitting around a virtual round table again for a combined session with the Packs, Troops and Crews. We are anticipating a large crowd so we procured a really big table […]
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 871 3894 3175Password: 754572One tap mobile+13126266799,,87138943175#,,1#,754572# US (Chicago)+19292056099,,87138943175#,,1#,754572# US (New York)Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) […]
Dog Care MB Session 4. Please check your google classroom for updates, homework assignments, and any additional info.Here is the link to google classroom Troop58 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 834 2536 8753Password: 076382
Dog Care MB Session 4. Please check your google classroom for updates, homework assignments, and any additional info.Here is the link to google classroom Troop58 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 834 2536 8753Password: 076382
We will have a short Instructional Rank Class on the tool requirements using zoom. The class will be taught by Ben Levine, but there will be other PLC members to help out.The Zoom link will be posted sometime before the class begins, all scouts who have not reached the rank of first class are recommended […]
Anyone going to either summer camp and/or Northern Tier must take a swimming test. Test are being offered at Ida Lee Rec Center for $5 on Fri 4/17 (course # 404814a) and Fri 5/15 (course #404814b) at 6:15pm. To sign up, please do the following:1) RSVP in TroopTrack for the date you’ll be attending 2) […]
WILL BE HELD VIRTUALLYIntroduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) is a ~3-hour, Troop-level course that all PLC members take; you can expect it to be fun, challenging, and rewarding. Uniform is Class B t-shirt. You will need paper and something to write with. We may have some food.ASMs/Committee Members - I need at least […]
Our 3rd Music MB class! We'll have Ayush and Velan play their songs for requirement #1 and attempt to finish up requirements 2 and 3.Class will meet at .
Topic: OA Meeting - NOAC Update and GamesTime: May 19, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting ID: 738 6044 3926
Topic: OA Meeting - NOAC Update and GamesTime: May 19, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting ID: 738 6044 3926
Gardening Merit Badge - Class #3Scouts, Great progress on requirement #2 with seeds and seedlings in the ground! Remember to water and protect your plants especially during the cold nights! If you missed Class #2 please feel free to email me so we can connect to get you up to speed.Homework - Please complete requirement […]
Hi Watchdogs, please follow the link below and join me at 2:00 for a virtual patrol meeting.JackJoin Zoom Meeting ID: 873 4824 8917Password: 164356One tap mobile+16465588656,,87348248917#,,1#,164356# US (New York)+13017158592,,87348248917#,,1#,164356# US (Germantown)Dial by your location+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)+1 669 900 9128 US (San […]
Hi Troop, starting May 20th, at 6:30pm, I will be holding a virtual class for Personal Fitness Merit Badge. If you would like to attend, please RSVP in Troop Track and follow the link below to our meetings. you have any questions, please let me now.YiS,Mr. Anderson (
Monthly planning/coordination meeting for the Scoutmaster and ASMs; all Committee Members and other adults are welcome as well. Location rotates each month. available @
Dog Care MB Session 5. Please check your google classroom for updates, homework assignments, and any additional info.Here is the link to google classroom Troop58 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 834 2536 8753Password: 076382
Dog Care MB Session 5. Please check your google classroom for updates, homework assignments, and any additional info.Here is the link to google classroom Troop58 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 834 2536 8753Password: 076382
We will have a short Instructional Rank Class on the tool requirements using zoom. The class will be taught by Ben Levine, but there will be other PLC members to help out.The Zoom link will be posted sometime before the class begins, all scouts who have not reached the rank of first class are recommended […]
Th Eagles patrol will be having a patrol outing this Friday via FaceTime. We will just chat and do whatever. Please RSVP if you are planning on joining.
Join NCAC Memorial Day Weekend, May 23-24, for our first ever digital camping experience. Perfect for the Scouting family, this event will feature live webinars, downloadable at-your-own-pace content, activity prompts, online games, and more. From Venturers to Cubs and Scouts BSA, Scouts (and Scouters) of all ages will discover something fun, engaging, and even helpful […]
ZOOM for the Court of Honor - Spring Court of Honor will be held Tuesday, May 26 at 7:00pm.The MC for this COH will be Ishan Parikh.If you want to earn Rank, make sure to get your Scoutmaster Conferences done by May 12 and Boards of Review done by May 19.If you have finished merit […]
Hi Troop, starting May 20th, at 6:30pm, I will be holding a virtual class for Personal Fitness Merit Badge. If you would like to attend, please RSVP in Troop Track and follow the link below to our meetings.If you have any questions, please let me now.YiS,Mr. Anderson (
Dog Care MB Session 3. Please check your google classroom for updates, homework assignments, and any additional info.Here is the link to google classroom Troop58 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 834 2536 8753Password: 076382
Dog Care MB Session 3. Please check your google classroom for updates, homework assignments, and any additional info.Here is the link to google classroom Troop58 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 834 2536 8753Password: 076382
Our 4th (and perhaps final!) Music MB class...we'll work on finishing up requirements 3-5.
Siddharth will be teaching several Hiking and Navigation requirements from the Scout books. All scouts that are not First Class yet are recommended to attend the class.Zoom link will be posted before the class.
The Eagles Patrol will be having an online patrol meeting via Facetime on Saturday the 30th at 1pm. Please RSVP if you plan on attending. (From now on, these meetings will be scheduled for every Saturday at this time)
NT Crew Members & Parents,We have confirmed that the canoe training scheduled for 5/31 is still on!In an effort to uphold social distancing, we are asking that 1 parent attend with their scout, to both drive them there and also to have canoes be occupied by people who are within a family’s social circle. This […]
Eric Anderson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 650 221 773Password: 326533One tap mobile+16465588656,,650221773#,,#,326533# US (New York)+13126266799,,650221773#,,#,326533# US (Chicago)Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 9128 US (San […]