
Music MB Class #2


Music merit badge class #2!  Please come prepared to play/sing for requirement 1, talk me through 2 of the requirement 3 options, and 1 of the requirement 4 options.PARENTS - I need one of you to attend the class as well so we can comply with YPT.  Please let me know if you can spare […]

Virtual Troop meeting



NT HA Meeting immediately after Troop meeting

Don’t leave the troop zoom meeting - we will use the same meeting link

Northern Tier meeting for parents and crew members.  We will start immediately after the Troop meeting ends.  

Scorpions zoom meeting

Hello Scorpions,Due to several scheduling conflicts and technical errors, I will be moving all further meeting to Tuesdays 7-8pm. This is the time that we usually would have troop meetings if the current situation were not happening. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding meeting times. Regards,Gabriel GuzmanTroop 58 GuideGGUZ is […]

Scorpions zoom meeting

Hello Scorpions,Due to several scheduling conflicts and technical errors, I will be moving all further meeting to Tuesdays 7-8pm. This is the time that we usually would have troop meetings if the current situation were not happening. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding meeting times. Regards,Gabriel GuzmanTroop 58 GuideGGUZ is […]

NT HA Meeting

Northern Tier meeting for parents and crew members.  We will start promptly at 7:15, so please arrive 5 minutes early, so as not to miss any important information.

Troop meeting

Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department,20688 Ashburn Road,Ashburn,VA,20147 , United States

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Troop meeting

Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department,20688 Ashburn Road,Ashburn,VA,20147 , United States

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Troop meeting

Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department,20688 Ashburn Road,Ashburn,VA,20147 , United States

Monthly Troop meeting for all Scouts

Order of the Arrow meeting

Leesburg United Methodist Church 107 W Market St, Leesburg, VA, United States

Order of the Arrow meeting

Leesburg United Methodist Church,107 W Market St,Leesburg,VA,20176 1 W Market St, United States

Goose Creek District Roundtable


Hello Goose Creek! Wednesday (5/13) night at 7:30 PM is the May edition of the Goose Creek District (GCD) Roundtable. Of course we will be sitting around a virtual round table again for a combined session with the Packs, Troops and Crews. We are anticipating a large crowd so we procured a really big table […]

Cooking MB meeting


Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/87138943175?pwd=VmYzeTZlS3M2ajZMN3FNZGpObEVkUT09Meeting ID: 871 3894 3175Password: 754572One tap mobile+13126266799,,87138943175#,,1#,754572# US (Chicago)+19292056099,,87138943175#,,1#,754572# US (New York)Dial by your location        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)  […]

Dog Care MB Session 4


Dog Care MB Session 4.  Please check your google classroom for updates, homework assignments, and any additional info.Here is the link to google classroom https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/OTIwNjYyNDM1ODFaBSA Troop58 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/83425368753?pwd=emtzVWlrV0pjV20zNkRaU2tEZFg2UT09Meeting ID: 834 2536 8753Password: 076382

Dog Care MB Session 4


Dog Care MB Session 4.  Please check your google classroom for updates, homework assignments, and any additional info.Here is the link to google classroom https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/OTIwNjYyNDM1ODFaBSA Troop58 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/83425368753?pwd=emtzVWlrV0pjV20zNkRaU2tEZFg2UT09Meeting ID: 834 2536 8753Password: 076382

Tools – Rank Instructional Class


We will have a short Instructional Rank Class on the tool requirements using zoom.  The class will be taught by Ben Levine, but there will be other PLC members to help out.The Zoom link will be posted sometime before the class begins, all scouts who have not reached the rank of first class are recommended […]

ILST Instruction Checkpoint



Swimming Test #2: Fri 5/15

Ida Lee Rec Center

Anyone going to either summer camp and/or Northern Tier must take a swimming test.  Test are being offered at Ida Lee Rec Center for $5 on Fri 4/17 (course # 404814a) and Fri 5/15 (course #404814b) at 6:15pm.  To sign up, please do the following:1) RSVP in TroopTrack for the date you’ll be attending  2) […]

Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST)


WILL BE HELD VIRTUALLYIntroduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) is a ~3-hour, Troop-level course that all PLC members take; you can expect it to be fun, challenging, and rewarding.  Uniform is Class B t-shirt.  You will need paper and something to write with.  We may have some food.ASMs/Committee Members - I need at least […]

Stags Virtual Patrol Meeting


This is the rescheduled patrol outing that was supposed to be on may 10th. We will be playing skribbl if that is ok with everyone.

Stags Virtual Patrol Meeting


This is the rescheduled patrol outing that was supposed to be on may 10th. We will be playing skribbl if that is ok with everyone.

Virtual PLC huddle


Weekly virtual PLC huddles for the time-being.https://zoom.us/j/213339459?pwd=L3lzSU1SblBmVU41SFo5QWo3aWd1QT09