
Spring WoodBadge Weekend 1

Camp Snyder

WoodBadgeRegistration - https://scoutingevent.com/082-woodbadge2025Wood Badge is the Boy Scouts of America’s ultimate leadership training designed to meet the advanced leadership needs of Scouters in all aspects of the BSA, whether unit, […]

OA Ordeal – Loudoun Chapter

Izaak Walton League - Leesburg

Registration https://scoutingevent.com/082-93909WHERE: Izaak Walton League, 19237 Mountain Spring Lane, Leesburg VA 20175QUESTIONS? Contact: Dan Golding, 703-868-2051, dgolding@gmail.comREGISTRATION: All registrations must be completed online. Gather the following information before starting your registration: BSA ID# […]