
Seabase Parent Meeting

St. David's Episcopal Church 43600 Russel Branch Pkwy, Ashburn

Seabase Parent Meeting to go over "big picture" logistics for our Seabase SCUBA trip next Spring Break.  We will meet at 7pm at St. David's before the Court of Honor.

New(er) Troop Parent Brief Meeting

Saint David’s Episcopal Church

We‘ll have a quick meeting before the May 21 Court of Honor, at St. David’s Episcopal Church, for parents of new(er) scouts to share some information and answer questions.

Court of Honor

St. David's Episcopal Church 43600 Russel Branch Pkwy, Ashburn

Please join us for our Spring Court of Honor to recognize Scouts who have earned a new rank or merit badge(s) since our last Court of Honor. Families are encouraged […]