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Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge, 2nd of 2 sessions
Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department 20688 Ashburn Rd, AshburnBack by popular demand, Mr. Guzman will be teaching this highly coveted MB. This will be the only time it is offered this year, so please make sure to sign […]
PLC Meeting
Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department,20688 Ashburn Road,Ashburn,VA,20147Our monthly PLC meeting. Meets the first Tuesday of each month. We are no longer offering a virtual option.
Troop Meeting
Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department,20688 Ashburn Road,Ashburn,VA,20147Weekly (except the first Tuesday of each month) meeting of Troop 58.To attend virtually:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83426091374?pwd=REIraWFpQUFBU3orV0ExcmoyRUlaUT09Meeting ID: 834 2609 1374Passcode: 074958
Joint ASM & Committee meeting
Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department,20688 Ashburn Road,Ashburn,VA,20147Monthly planning/coordination meeting for Committee Members and ASMs. All adults are welcome to attend as these meetings are a great way to stay updated on what's happening with the troop.First […]