
Golf MB (1st of 2 9-hole rounds)

Brambleton Golf Course, 42180 Ryan Rd, Ashburn, VA 20148

The Golf MB will occur over 5 different sessions as follows:- 2 virtual classroom sessions- 1 driving range session (we will schedule this for when it works for everyone)- 2 […]

PLC Meeting

Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department,20688 Ashburn Road,Ashburn,VA,20147

Our monthly PLC meeting.  Meets the first Tuesday of each month.  To attend virtually:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83426091374?pwd=REIraWFpQUFBU3orV0ExcmoyRUlaUT09Meeting ID: 834 2609 1374Passcode: 074958

Joint ASM & Committee meeting

Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department,20688 Ashburn Road,Ashburn,VA,20147

Calendar says 7:30 but since most of us will be brining our scouts at 7:15 we will try to start early.Monthly planning/coordination meeting for Committee Members and ASMs.  All adults […]

Troop Meeting

Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department,20688 Ashburn Road,Ashburn,VA,20147

Weekly (except the first Tuesday of each month) meeting of Troop 58.To attend virtually:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83426091374?pwd=REIraWFpQUFBU3orV0ExcmoyRUlaUT09Meeting ID: 834 2609 1374Passcode: 074958