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HA Philmont Crew Meeting (w/parents)
Founders Hall, AVFRDPhilmont Crew,Philmont trip-planning has officially begun! With less than 11 months to go, we will start meeting on a monthly basis to discuss trip logistics, preparation, and training. Please arrive […]
VIRTUAL Troop meeting
Virtual/ZoomMonthly Troop meeting for all ScoutsJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89583794375?pwd=Q0NPYkFxTyt5YzJVZWxTNGRVb0JqQT09Meeting ID: 895 8379 4375Passcode: 739744One tap mobile+13126266799,,89583794375#,,,,,,0#,,739744# US (Chicago)+19292056099,,89583794375#,,,,,,0#,,739744# US (New York)