

No school

PLC meeting

Founders Hall and Zoom

Monthly PLC meeting for the elected members of the Patrol Leaders Council.Attend if you plan to run for the PLC!https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81144419562?pwd=eWZsWHdhMG5UQkRvcDBpSmNjZFMyUT09

Committee Meeting


Monthly Troop 58 Committee MeetingThis will be an in-person meeting at same time as the PLC Meeting.If you need to join us virtually you can dial in here:Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85659542930?pwd=Q2JwZ1hueXRHaklCbWhzazgyUC82UT09Meeting […]

Virtual Troop Meeting


We will be having a virtual troop meeting every off-week of the in-person meetings. This will give the scouts who aren't attending the in-person meetings a chance to still be […]