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Virtual PLC huddle
VirtualWeekly virtual PLC huddles for the time-being.https://zoom.us/j/213339459?pwd=L3lzSU1SblBmVU41SFo5QWo3aWd1QT09
Virtual PLC huddle
VirtualWeekly virtual PLC huddles for the time-being.Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/5265677173Meeting ID: 526 567 7173
Music MB Class #3
ZoomOur 3rd Music MB class! We'll have Ayush and Velan play their songs for requirement #1 and attempt to finish up requirements 2 and 3.Class will meet at https://carfax.zoom.us/j/92063178824?pwd=c2wwVUg1aUxKS1JSQjV3VDV6VVM2Zz09 .