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Winter NYLT – Weekend 1

January 18 @ 7:00 am - January 20 @ 2:00 pm EST

Winter NYLT – weekend 1 – FULLhttps://scoutingevent.com/082-25winternyltWHO SHOULD ATTEND?Scouts who have completed their unit’s introduction to leadership course, have been practicing these skills, and are ready for the next level of training should attend NYLT once they meet all Eligibility Requirements.NYLT ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSScouts must:Complete their home Unit’s Introduction to Leadership Skills course*Receive approval from your Scoutmaster or Unit leaderBe at least 13 years of age by course start dateEarn First Class rank, if registered in a TroopHave current BSA Health Form (Parts A, B, and C)Be comfortable camping and cooking outdoorsCommit to attending the entire six-day course* Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST), Crews (ILSC), and Ships (ILSS) should be offered through a Scout’s home unit. Ask your Unit Leader how you can participate in this course. REFUND POLICYCancel within 3 days of making a registration and the entire amount is returned. After 3 days of making the registration but not within 14 of the event the customer is charged 15% of the registration cost being cancelled. Once within 14 days of the event the customer is charged 100% of the registration cost being cancelled.Fees cannot be credited toward another event. This policy is true for any event with fees over $25.00 per participant/registrant unless stated otherwise.WHAT NYLT IS (AND IS NOT)NYLT is not like summer camp and is not designed for rank advancement or earning merit badges.  NYLT is an intense and challenging hands-on leadership training program.  It is essential that NYLT participants be physically, emotionally, and mentally prepared to handle the demands of this advanced training. In order to get the most benefit from this unique experience, participants must exhibit emotional maturity, a positive attitude, proficiency in basic camping and outdoor cooking, and have an ambition to serve in leadership roles.Behavior at NYLT: Participants agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the Scout Oath and Law.QUESTIONS?For information about specific courses, contact the Course Director. General inquiries about the NYLT program may be directed to contact@myNYLT.org.You can follow NCAC NYLT Youth Training online on Facebook facebook.com/myNYLT 


January 18 @ 7:00 am EST
January 20 @ 2:00 pm EST


Camp Snyder

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