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Comm. / Cit in the Community MBs – public meeting oppty
September 5, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm EDT
The Communication Merit Badge and Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge both have requirements to attend a public meeting and follow up with your MB Counselor about what you heard. I am a MB Counselor for both of these Eagle-required MBs and will work with Scouts who wish to fulfill these requirements by attending this meeting.Please RSVP in TroopTrack and I will reach out with additional details.Note: It is possible to fulfill the public meeting requirements for both the Communication MB and the Citizenship in the Community MB by attending this one meeting — however, the requirements for each MB are different and must be distinctly fulfilled.The County encourages residents and businesses who wish to offer comment on Dominion Energy’s proposed transmission lines along Route 7 in Loudoun County to attend the State Corporation Commission (SCC) public hearing on Thursday, September 5, 2024, 6:00pm-10:00pm, at Belmont Ridge Middle School, 19045 Upper Belmont Place in Leesburg.The SCC is considering a request by Dominion Energy to build the Aspen-Golden (Case #PUR-2024-00032) and Apollo-Twin Creeks electric transmission facilities (Case # PUR-2024-00044). The projects include a new 9.4-mile double circuit overhead transmission line (500 and 230 kilovolt) between the proposed Aspen and Golden substations and other associated infrastructure. The current application locates the proposed above-ground power lines from the area around Goose Creek and Belmont Ridge Road, along the south side of Route 7, and parallel to Loudoun County Parkway. Dominion has stated the projects are necessary to maintain electricity reliability for the region.The SCC asks that any member of the public who wishes to provide comment at the September 5 hearing in Leesburg arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the meeting and register with the commission’s bailiff. Each speaker will be allotted five minutes for their comments.More information on the meeting and the projects can be found here.Yours in Scouting,Mrs. Quinn