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ILST – Required training for PLC members only
May 19, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm EDT
PLC Members,Please attend the mandatory training for all PLC members, both new and old. Please wear class B and bring water, bug spray, water bottle, and lawn chair.Dinner will be provided (Dominos). Please look at the menu and comment your order ahead of time.https://www.dominos.com/en/pages/order/menu?utm_campaign=12899820175%257Cm%257CGG&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=p_search&utm_content=kwd-294780655%257C12899820175%257C119969835485&utm_term=domino%2527s%2520pizza%2520menu&matchtype=p&gbraid=0AAAAADeMJnBhRXHnNBf_OfyRsuOopfsI6&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-daUBhCIARIsALbkjSYdvGsG6HoFxd3t3FErAGxNvuLZUlewQ1V6UdwHRPwDqKkp2y0GsAQaAoPAEALw_wcB#/menu/category/viewall/Please contact Krishnan or Mr. Grabinsi with any questions. Please note that, if needed, a rain back up location will be communicated by noon on Sunday 5/19.