
Troop Meeting

Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department 20688 Ashburn Rd, Ashburn, VA, United States

This is our Troop Meeting.  We meet every week except for the first Tuesday of each month, which is when the PLC meets.  

Court of Honor

St. David's Episcopal Church 43600 Russel Branch Pkwy, Ashburn, VA, United States

Please join us for our Spring Court of Honor to recognize Scouts who have earned a new rank or merit badge(s) since our last Court of Honor. Families are encouraged to attend to support Scouts in their advancement journeys.PLC members should arrive at 7:00pm to help set up.The ceremony will begin at 7:30pm with refreshments […]

Troop Meeting

Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department 20688 Ashburn Rd, Ashburn, VA, United States

This is our Troop Meeting.  We meet every week except for the first Tuesday of each month, which is when the PLC meets.  

WDC IOLS – Camp Snyder

Camp Snyder

https://scoutingevent.com/082-wdciolsIOLS is a hands-on course for adult leaders to work together in a patrol to learn the practical skills needs to lead Scouts in the outdoors.  The course builds and expanse upon the themes and concepts introduced in Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Position Specific Training.  Upon completion of the course, leaders should feel comfortable teaching Scouts the […]

PLC Meeting

Ashburn Volunteer Rescue and Fire Dept

PLC Meeting at AVRFD

Troop Meeting

Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department 20688 Ashburn Rd, Ashburn, VA, United States

This is our Troop Meeting.  We meet every week except for the first Tuesday of each month, which is when the PLC meets.  

IOLS – Accotink

Gunston Hall


Summer NYLT

Summer NYLT

Summer NYLT Course 25-2 & Course 25-3https://scoutingevent.com/082-summer2025NYLTWHO SHOULD ATTEND?Scouts who have completed their unit’s introduction to leadership course, have been practicing these skills, and are ready for the next level of training should attend NYLT once they meet all Eligibility Requirements.NYLT ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSScouts must:Complete their home Unit’s Introduction to Leadership Skills course*Receive approval from your […]

Troop Meeting

Ashburn Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department 20688 Ashburn Rd, Ashburn, VA, United States

This is our Troop Meeting.  We meet every week except for the first Tuesday of each month, which is when the PLC meets.  

Troop 58 Summer Camp @ T Brady Saunders Scout Camp

TBD 2560 King Arthur Boulevard, Lewisville, TX, United States

We will be attending Summer Camp from June 22 to June 28 at the following location:Camp T. Brady Saunders1723 Maidens RdMaidens, VA 231021) RSVP in Trooptrack 2) Fill out the registration form https://forms.gle/eagy2wX8j9xSx58X8 3) Pay your dues $490 per scout . You can pay in one full payment or split it into two payments: ($250 now, $240 by May […]

Summer NYLT 25-5

Summer NYLT 25-5

Attention 1st Class & higher scouts - Summer NYLT Course 25-5 is the only course with space still available. If you aspire to be ASPL please attend.  Please communicate with the Scoutmaster before you sign up. The Troop will pay partial tuition to those that do.Registration link - https://scoutingevent.com/082-summer2025NYLTWHO SHOULD ATTEND?Scouts who have completed their unit’s introduction to […]

Order of the Arrow meeting

Leesburg United Methodist Church 107 W Market St, Leesburg, VA, United States

Goose Creek District Roundtable

Leesburg United Methodist Church 107 W Market St, Leesburg, VA, United States

See https://www.ncacbsa.org/goose-creek/roundtable/ for more info.

Court of Honor

St. David's Episcopal Church 43600 Russel Branch Pkwy, Ashburn, VA, United States

Please join us for our Fall Court of Honor to recognize Scouts who have earned a new rank or merit badge(s) since our last Court of Honor. Families are encouraged to attend to support Scouts in their advancement journeys.PLC members should arrive at 7:00pm to help set up.The ceremony will begin at 7:30pm with refreshments […]

Order of the Arrow meeting

Leesburg United Methodist Church 107 W Market St, Leesburg, VA, United States